ECR and Rail Gourmet sign catering deal with East Midland Trains and Grand Central

ECR And Rail Gourmet Sign Catering Deal With East Midland Trains and Grand Central

London, August 2016: ECR Retail Systems, the London-based Mobile Point of Sale (MPOS) specialist, has signed an agreement in partnership with Rail Gourmet, to provide an on-board catering solution for East Midlands Trains and Grand Central.

The agreement, which follows a renewal of both businesses’ existing agreements with Irish Rail, will see both train operating companies provided with web-enabled devices to process payments from passengers making purchases from trolleys and buffet cars on a number of key routes.

The solution, which can be adapted across a range of tablets and handheld devices, as well in various on-board locations, will allow train staff to process payments both on- and offline faster and more efficiently, and mean customers are provided with a better overall experience when purchasing refreshments during their journey.

The ruggedized tablets, which form the centre of the solution, are equipped with a portable printer, Bluetooth connectivity, and USB charging facilities. Contactless payments can also be made via the Miura PED.

A pilot scheme will be carried out on seven East Midlands Trains throughout the summer.

Simon Pont, CEO, ECR Retail Systems said: “This agreement highlights a commitment from two of the UK’s largest train operating companies to delivering excellent customer on board experience and service. At ECR, we pride ourselves on creating solutions and working with brands across the travel sector and beyond, to ensure the process of making a purchase on the fly is as smooth and stress free as possible. We are therefore delighted to be extending our longstanding relationship with Rail Gourmet and look forward to working closely together them to transform the catering provision on East Midlands Trains and Grand Central.”


Photograph courtesy of adambro

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